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Iphone Broken, PC not working? Call a Wizard!

Our mission is to provide expert technical assistance to customers, at your residence or business. We make it easy for our clients to get to a solution by having a wizard arrive at your premises, to assist with Iphone and Ipad Repairs, IT related issues, and Printer Repairs.

Our Wizards strive for excellence, and are always willing to provide excellent service, at a competitive price!

Our Services

We provide professional assistance for the following:


Iphone repair and Diagnosis

PC Repair and Diagnosis

Printer Repair and Diagnosis

Network Solutions

Data Recovery and Backup Solutions

IT Solutions and Consulting

Sales and Service for Wide Variety of I.T Products

What our customers are saying

We were so satisfied with our Wizard experience! Friendly and professional, our technician was able to rectify our problem effectively and perfectly!! Thank you Mobile Wizard!!!

Agnes and Trevor Moore, Emerald, QLD

Qualified Professionals

Wizards are ready to help you with your problem! Submit a contact form for information!

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